Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wake up, my little compost pile

The rain and warmth has brought me a bumper crop of weeds, which I've been harvesting to add to both of my sleeping, cold compost piles. It's time for me to wake them up with a good tossing and turning, I think, because they're starting to grow papayas, 'uala (sweet potatoes), Malabar spinach and tomatoes. I think it's crazy that I actually need to tear all of these out to restart the pile -- there's no extra room for everything in this corner, and yet they're doing so great, naturally. Also, this is the corner of my yard that adjoins my neighbor's coqui condo aka banana patch as ground cover, so I need to cook down these piles before they become a refuge for froggies. Later I'll use the composted material to start a raised bed for more veggies. I'm feeling ambitious today.

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